Case Study:
WorkWell MN

How might we use brand positioning to set a strategic plan in motion?

WorkWell MN is a consortium of 20+ non-profit organizations advocating for a more equitable, empathetic workforce development system in the state of Minnesota. Upon finalizing their first strategic plan, WorkWell MN needed a cohesive brand platform to generate awareness and support for their system change priorities. 

members of WorkWell MN listening to a jobseeker advocate at the Minnesota state capitol


Olio facilitated discovery sessions with WorkWell MN to understand their key audiences, communication objectives, and desired actions for each priority outline in their strategic plan. Then we also grounded ourselves in existing barriers to success for jobseekers, such as lack of access to opportunities, restrictive policies and practices, and misperceptions about participation in the state’s workforce and economy.

wordcloud of different key brand messages related to workforce communities and equity


Olio worked closely with WorkWell MN’s communications working group to build consensus and position the consortium as a leader, innovator and connector in shifting Minnesota's workforce systems for good. We developed a brand voice and key messages, renamed the consortium, and designed a visual identity that creates a compelling narrative for legislators, funders, and employers to get behind.

WorkWell MN's new logo and tagline which is allies for an equitable workforce


WorkWell MN planned their brand launch to coincide with the start of an upcoming legislative session. In a coordinated outreach effort from 20+ organizations, workforce stakeholders were invited to learn more and engage further with the consortium via their newly designed web presence, as well as a Day at the Capitol event, creating a swell of momentum in making Minnesota’s workforce work better for jobseekers.


“I got a little emotional looking at it! So much work that you and others have put into this to get us here, and I think a great visualization of where we want to be going next.”

— antonio cardona, project for pride in living

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